My creative juices have not been flowing much lately. Usually, I have lots of projects or thoughts that I like to blog about so they stop floating around in my head, but lately, things have been a little slow. For some reason, I feel like it has been taking a lot of energy to get through the days. Thatcher’s general mood has continued to improve. He is taking good naps, and sleeping pretty well at night. But he is hard to keep content if he is not being held. We have about 40 different baby apparatuses (what? no spell check on that? so that’s really a word? huh.), Bumbo seat, bouncer seat, exersaucer, forward swinging swing, sideways swinging swing, play mat, etc. He stays happy for approximately 3 minutes on each of those things, otherwise I am typically carrying him around. And Dude is heavy. Anyway, the point is that I have been feeling that frustrating feeling of constantly being busy, without actually getting anything done. So nothing major has been accomplished, but I still wanted to get out a few thoughts:
1. Thank God for church. Literally. It is always a battle in my mind to make the decision to go, since often it means waking Thatcher up in the middle of a his morning nap, or I will be due to feed him in the middle of the service, or I’m worried that he will be fussy. But, we have been going anyway, and I have never regretted it. Most of the time either Justin or I end up in the hallway with him, but it is still so worth it. It really helps re-center my mind, encourages me, and recharges me.
2. It’s good to force yourself to try things. Justin gets frustrated with me sometimes about my hesitation to take the boys and do things, and I have to agree that I am really bad about it. So, when he said that he wanted to take the boys to a local minor league baseball game, I decided that I would go along with it with a good attitude. Unfortunately, we have had some really warm weather lately, and our seats were scorching in the direct sun. I had Thatcher in the Bjorn, and I took him to go stand in the shade. Thad and Justin made it a little longer, but joined me in the shade before the 1st inning was over. While we were standing there, a guy in a park uniform came up to us and said that they were taking families up to the private suites, and asked if we would like to go. YES! Yes, we would! So we got taken up to the air conditioned, shaded suite to watch the rest of the game. There was another family in our suite with 2 little girls. So not only was the temperature a billion times more comfortable, Thad had space to run around and play rather than sit in a seat for 3 hours. It was really fun, and I was so glad that we were willing to try something!
3. Know when to give up. There is only so much poop you can wash off a onesie after a poop-splosion before it makes more sense to just throw it away.
4. Animal crackers are delicious! Seriously, how do I have a 2 1/2 year old and not know about animal crackers? Do they make them more delicious than they used to be? They are sweet, lemony deliciousness!
5. I have a new favorite band. Thad and I had Madagascar 2 on the other day. We have it on our DVR, so whenever he watches it, I need to be present so I can fast-forward through the commercials (otherwise he goes running through the house to find me yelling "Pause it Mommy, pause it!”) When the movie was over, we caught the end of the Rachael Ray show (apparently, she no longer cooks on her show?) as a band was playing. Thad LOVES music, and the song the band played really caught his attention. It sounded like our kind of music, so we YouTubed it later that day. The band is Need to Breathe, and they play all the time on KLove! Apparently, they have been around for years, and while I know a few of their songs (Something Beautiful and Washed by the Water), they have a TON of good ones. Check out Slumber, and Keep Your Eyes Open (sweet Optometry references in the video). They are really good, I love their style of music. Thad does some serious dance moves when we listen to them.
6. Cute baby picture, just for fun.