Today I will be ignoring the fact that I have neglected to post anything for the last month, ignoring semi-important things like Justin’s birthday, my birthday, Memorial Day, etc. Are adult birthdays really that important after you have passed the 30 mark anyway? Probably not. Instead, I will give you a list of randoms that have no relevance.
1. Spiders. For approximately the last week, the same piece of brown thread tangle has scared me no less than 8 times. Looked darn close to a spider. I have been extra wary since my sister told me that she saw a huge spider on the ceiling of the family room and did not kill it. If you are ever in my house and see a spider, it is your DUTY to kill it. It’s like that law about reporting suspected child abuse to the proper authorities….it’s your obligation as a human being. Thankfully, 2 things happened yesterday. One, the nasty big spider was found, having relocated itself to Thad’s room. (Yes, I choose to believe that it was the same spider and that there is only one spider in my whole house at any given time. Don’t burst my bubble). And two, I got smart and threw away the brown string clump. Unfortunately (speaking of burst bubbles), Justin tried to tell me that vacuuming up a spider probably does not kill it. Is this true???
2. Face ladders. Last night, I was laying on the floor of Thatcher’s room, reading Winnie the Pooh to Thad. Thatcher came over and climbed on my face to try and get up into the crib. My child literally stood on my face. Not caring a bit that I was laying there, face smashed, saying, “Thatcher, get off my face”. How’s that for respect. Punk.
3. Baby gut. I hear it is a good sign when your abs are on fire 1 minute into a 15 minute ab workout. I think it goes without saying that since having 2 kids, my abs are no longer what I would consider an asset. They may not even be present. Hard to say. Nonetheless, with a week in Tahoe looming ahead of me at the end of July, it seems prudent to try and get this business under control. I have a fiery hatred for Comcast (why are you so expensive? Why are you the ONLY option with the PAC-12 channel?) but they do have some good workouts on their OnDemand. And by good, I mean tortuous to my flab.
4. Cujo. Last night I headed out for a run. (Do you HEAR how in shape I am? Goodness). Before you get too impressed, I have a loop that I have been attempting that is no more than a mile and a half. Hard core. Justin always is apprehensive when I go and don’t take my keys (with mace) and my cell phone. But, it is difficult to run carrying those items, and I need all the help I can get. So, I go with nothing and am sure I will be fine. Which means that I was by no means prepared when 4 people walking 2 mammoth dogs were crossing the street ahead of me and one of the dogs almost knocked it’s leash holder over, lunging at me, teeth bared and saliva flying. I grew up with police trained German Shepards, and usually dogs don’t scare me, but this one really threw me for a loop. It easily weighed 100 pounds, and was clearly the one in control. It was snapping it’s teeth literally probably a foot (MAYBE 2 feet) away from my face. For the rest of my run, I proceeded to picture myself laying on the side of the road, blood gushing from my body. It made me think about what the best thing to do should be if confronted by a dog, by yourself, defenseless. I don’t really have an answer, it’s a pretty vulnerable position. My best thought would be to climb up on the roof of a car. I don’t know. It’s not ideal. When I got home and told Justin, he gave me the very wise recommendation that I should take a self-defense class to protect myself from spiders and dogs. Full of good advice, that one.
5. Baking Skilz. I have been wanting to make a sourdough starter for a while. I love home made bread, and typically make some kind of bread product on a weekly basis. (Gift idea: bread maker. Anyone? Anyone?). A week ago, I started a sourdough starter, and used it for the first time yesterday to make some sourdough rolls. Success. Also as I part of dinner, I made some roasted broccoli. I had the broccoli on a pan, in the oven at 425 for 20 minutes. Also sitting on the pan was the paring knife that I used to cut up the broccoli. (You know, the knife that I probably use more than any other knife, the one from our expensive knife set, the one with the plastic handle that does in fact melt when left in the 425 degree oven. FAIL.