Since Thanksgiving is creeping up RIGHT around the corner, I figured I’d better get with it and post something about Halloween. Cause, you know, if you don’t post something on the internet about it, it’s like it never happened. And now that I’m really thinking about it, there really isn’t that much to say about Halloween, so the bulk of this will be pictures of 2 cute kids.
We were supposed to go Trick or Treating with our good friends and their little girls. But at the time we were all infected with the Black Plague (seriously, I am STILL coughing), so we had to cancel and keep the germs to ourselves. Instead, we just meandered down our road and to Justin’s Aunt and Uncles house a few blocks away. It has become the tradition to stop there on Halloween. Justin’s aunt always has a special treat for the kids, and who doesn’t get a kick out of seeing small people in costumes.
Ah, I know what will be fun. Let’s do a little Throwback Thursday. Even though it’s Friday. Roll with me here people, and enjoy a couple of Justin’s well executed costumes, circa 2006 and 2007:
And here we have a synopsis of Thad’s costumes over his lifespan:
Thatcher’s lifespan is, of course, a bit shorter:
What you can’t see is this picture is Thatcher’s feet sticking out of the little froggy feet, which I had to cut open so my giant baby (6 months old at the time) could fit into the 12 month costume.
Which brings us to Halloween of 2013. We did some fun days of Preschool the week of Halloween: Bats, Pumpkins, Spiders, Skeletons and Scarecrows.
Here’s Thad making some skeletons using black playdoh (saved from day ONE of preschool….Ant Day), Q-tips and animal shaped cookie cutters. And him with a preschooler-sized printable skeleton that he pieced together. I’m still finding most of my ideas from, but have also found a TON of free printable stuff from Any printable stuff that we use I am keeping for next year, and hopefully setting myself up for an even easier process next time around.
The night before Halloween I brought home some pumpkins after work and BARELY convinced Thad to stick his hand inside and clean out the pumpkin. That kid does not enjoy grossness.
Thatcher, on the other hand, was slinging pumpkin goo all over the kitchen
And here are the hoodlums in their get-ups. I’ll post these in sequence so you can appreciate the fact that Thatcher’s smile and posture gets cheesier with every photo that I take.
Could you please have a larger smile and lean closer to the camera, sir.
Their costumes cost a grand total of 3.99, the only thing I bought was a Pocahontas costume from St.Vinnies that I cut up to be Thatcher’s Daniel Boone shirt. My mom had gotten the cowboy chaps, vest and hat at a garage sale earlier this summer, and I hid it away so Thad would be excited for it.
And clearly, he was:
Halloween night was a little drizzly and cold, but since we were close to home the whole time and really not out long, it was just fine. Since when is Halloween NOT drizzly and cold anyway…get used to it kids.
Thatcher most definitely did not understand what was going on. Thad got it, but is shy enough that he wasn’t running crazily from door to do. Mostly we had to shove him up steps and tell him what to say. He was quite happy to see his loot spread out on the counter, but since that night has totally forgotten about it, so it’s all sitting in the cabinet getting slowly picked away by me and Justin.
Thatcher’s really never eaten candy before, so I don’t think he realized the value of what was in those bright little packages. All except the SUCKERS.
Those he recognized.