I’m having major difficulties getting my blogs to publish. I don’t know why, or how to fix it. We’ll see if this one works.
This last summer, we updated the boys’ rooms with new carpet (thankfully…the original carpet was GROSS), new paint, new baseboards, and for Thaddeus, big boy furniture.
Prior to the update, Thad’s furniture was really sparse. A toddler bed, a small bookshelf…I can’t even remember what else. Toys piled everywhere, I’m sure. Somehow I don’t have a “before” picture. But, here’s the “after”:
The bookshelves actually came from our bedroom, as did the desk, which my grandparents bought me as a child from a garage sale. I refinished when I was in highschool. The bed frame is also a hand-me-down from my child-hood, also from a garage sale. Nothing but the best for my kids!
The bed frame actually looked quite different when we got it from my parent’s garage, and Justin spent HOURS sanding and restaining, and now it really looks beautiful.

Some of my favorite things in his room are:
The world map showing animals from each continent (bought by my parents from Costco).
The Jesus Loves Me print that I duplicated from an idea I saw on Etsy. (My niece and nephew also have a copy, in their room colors)
The dino-fabric-covered window cornice (fancypants!) that Justin and I made together (instructions are similar to what is in this post, I can’t find out the original, but holy cow, check out the playroom in this post!)
The magnetic white board we bought from Amazon for his 3rd birthday maybe? Mostly we have used it for magnets (not all white boards are magnetic…do your research!) because Thatcher is not to be trusted with markers of any time in a room with carpet.
His super cute safari sheets that my super-shopper sister found at Target (2 out of the 3 of his favorite animal trifecta! Hippos and Rhinos…just missing Buffalos!)
Speaking of super shoppers, I also love the train bookend my mom found garage-saling. Going to garage sales is her ‘thing’, so I supply her with a list of garage sale items that I am looking for. Since, you know, I’m too lazy to go to garage sales, I’ll make my mother do the work for me. Nice.
Still to be done:
We snagged some beautiful big pieces of oak boards from my parents garage that I’m convincing Justin should be made into shelves above Thad’s desk. That may be a summertime project.
Justin’s mom is in the process of making Thad a dinosaur quilt for his bed. This has been in the plans for a while, but knowing what the quilting process is like personally (i.e. it can take longer than planned!) I went ahead and bought Thad a bedspread from TJ Maxx. (20 bucks for a cute quilt-looking bedspread in the right colors!)