Usually when I sit down to write a post, I have nice orderly thoughts in my head that I want to get out. For some reason this time, I’m all jumbled up, and keep getting stuck. So, I’m just going to dump everything out, even though it may not be organized or coherent. Here goes.
We continue to work through the alphabet using the format from Preschool Alphabet. I did decide to alter things a bit at the first of the year, and rather than going through all her ideas for each topic and picking my favorites, I’m really sticking to her calendars and doing the things she did that time. It has simplified things quite a bit, and takes less time for me to prep. I also have starting doing just one or two books per day from the library, rather than several. Having a lot of books per day is great because they boys are always willing to read, but it was taking me a LOT of time to search for our topics, and to find the books at the library. Realistically, a lot of time was being wasted with so much prep because some days, we skipped topic all together, or just didn’t make it through much for whatever reason. (For example, if I have to go to Winco with the boys by myself, that’s pretty much all I can handle). (For an unrelated example, being waist-deep in Winco is not a great time to realize you haven’t put on deodorant).
Some recent fun days:
Nose Day:
We read Ferdinand (one of my all time favs), made cow noses out of cut-up egg cartons, and made smelly flowers using foam paper flowers with cotton balls with various scents dripped on them (maple extract, vanilla extract, lemon juice, peppermint extract, etc)
Orange Day:

We painted toilet roll “binoculars” orange to search for orange items around the house, make fresh-sqeezed orange juice, and ate orange jello.
Other Fun:
Making due with rainy weather, playing in the garage (don’t ask me why he is wearing jams…really don’t remember, but he does love his jams, he tries to pull them back together any time I unzip them to get dressed), and playing with the super cool Stomp Rocket my brother got them for Christmas (a worthwhile $15 investment if you have boys!)
Pizza Day:
We used leftover pizza boxes from my nephew’s birthday party to make a pizza, and to put the pizza in. The first box I cut up to make the circle for the pizza, the boys painted on red “sauce”, then we sprinkled it with cut up yard “cheese”, paper pepperoni, green peppers and mushrooms, and “olives” made out of buttons. I slathered it in Modge Podge and let it “bake” in the oven until it was dry.