Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weekend Update

We’re in the throes of fall. I love it! Could do with a little more rain, but the 50-60 degree temps are treating me right. College football is in full swing, and by far my favorite sport to watch. For the last 3 years we have gotten season tickets for the Oregon Ducks (Go Ducks!). This weekend is an away game, as well as my father-in-law’s 60th birthday. I have to say that while I enjoy going to games, which is a super fun atmosphere and experience, I also love away games that I watch from the comfort of my own home. In part, because of the FOOD!

The in-laws are coming up for the weekend, and Justin will BBQ a delicious pork-rib dinner for the birthday boy. I will also be baking him a chocolate cake, as well as preparing yet-to-be-determined side dishes for dinner. Likely some version of potatoes, bread and salad. He’s old…he likes the classics :)

Since we will have people over for FIL’s birthday, as well as the football game, I am planning on making snack foods as well. Some fun items on my food agenda include a few Halloween-specific desserts:

These Candy Corn Sugar Cookies look delicious and easy, you just make the dough, separate into 3 bowls and add food coloring to 2, smash it into a bread pan, chill it and slice it. Bam. Cute.


I will be making these Mini Caramel Apples. I LOVE caramel apples, but my biggest issue with them is too much apple, not enough caramel. (Yes, I realize I’m not 12, but really, how often do you eat a caramel apple, might as well enjoy it). I am going to do a couple of variations of theses. I have caramel candies to dip in, and also some Reses peanut butter chips. I’ll then dip that delicious concoction into mini chocolate chips, crushed peanuts or sprinkles.


I even have a black girl living in my house to eat the Mini Caramel Apples. (Not the one in the picture, a different one). But that’s another story. I also need to get a melon baller for the apples, as I have been told that my Pampered Chef cookie scooper is not sharp enough to go through an apple, and that I will break it if I even try.

I was also planning to make Jalapeno Pepperjack Scones again, but I am re-thinking the Jalapeno use, and I think I am going to make these Poppers instead. I actually prefer the scones, but will do the poppers since they seem to please the masses at football games.

Maybe if I am a super awesome person, I will document my cooking endeavors with a picture. Don’t hold your breath.

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