It happened. Our sweet little boy turned one. This kid has such a special place in my heart. He has such a happy smile, a goofy walk, loves his bro, he is just an all-around good guy. He has eyelashes that won’t quit, and went a loooonnnng time with only one top tooth. We were starting to worry. I feel like I am really just starting to see his personality come out, and have an idea of the little boy he is going to be. Motor skill-wise, way ahead of the game. Language….maybe not so much. Does making growling noises count? He’ll get there.
Time for a photo montage:
In typical Shelton/Crossland fashion, we are celebrating birthdays two different times. Since the boys’ bdays are so close together (10 days), we will have a party (for both the boys) here on Saturday with JC’s side of the family, and then head North to celebrate with my side of the family. (My side of the family is a little heavy on March birthdays…4 of the 5 grandkids have birthdays between March 20th and March 30th). Technically, this will be the first time that I have been responsible for a child’s birthday party…for Thad’s first birthday, (and my niece’s 2nd…the only 2 grandkids at the time) we rented a house in Newport with my family and went to the aquarium. For Thad’s second birthday, my family graciously brought all the birthday party makings to our house, since I had just given birth a week before. Thanks, fam! I have probably invested an inappropriate amount of mental time on the party, but it should be fun. Details/pictures to come. Wear your Carharts.
Moral of this story is: I love me some Thatcher Reid. He is such a blessing and such a sweet boy. I am so thankful for him, and so excited to be his mom.
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