Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Fun Facts

Just a couple of random facts for a Friday afternoon.

  1. You can substitute applesauce for oil in a recipe, with minimal difference in final product. I made banana bread today and on a whim decided to try using applesauce, like you always hear people talk about. Delish. FYI, oil has 14g of fat per tablespoon, and my recipe called for 1/2 cup of oil. That would equal 84 grams of fat in one loaf of banana bread. You know how much fat is in applesauce? Zero.
  2. Ricky Martin is gay. What? You have know this for a decade? Well my husband just found out. And he was surprised.
  3. You know you really love your previously mentioned husband when you are willing to dig through this to find his missing wedding ring. Yes, that is garbage. Yes, that garbage contains cat poop. IMG_5880
  4. Justin will be getting his ring sized so that it stays on his finger.
  5. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Crack me up!!!! Your posts are always entertaining. I just got asked what was so funny as I am sitting here at work.
    Fact 1- I ALWAYS use applesauce instead of oil. We can our own applesauce every year and I keep a bunch just for baking.
    #2- What planet does Justin live on? Did you also tell him about Elton John? Or is one traumatic fact enough for one day? #3--- UM... EEEWWWWW!!!! #4- My husbands ring IS the right size but every week I seem to find it in the dryer. #5 Indeed, Happy Friday!
