I had never even heard of whoopie pies until maybe 6 months ago when the girls from my old job decided to have a whoopie pie baking contest. They professed great love for whoopie pies, and since I wasn’t working the day they had the contest, I couldn’t argue. There are endless varieties of whoopie pies, apparently, but they all consist of 2 cookies with frosting sandwiched in between. A couple weeks ago, 2 of the girls from work came over to watch the boys one evening while Justin and I went out to dinner. I made them dinner, and some dessert to take home with them as a thank you. I always have a million dessert recipes that I want to try, but decided on this doozy since I knew it was up their alley. The recipe is from Pioneer Woman, one of my tried-and-true recipe resources.
Oatmeal cookies are one of my moms go-to dessert recipes. I have never loved oatmeal cookies themselves, but I do love the dough. This recipe was a bit different from my moms, the cookies were really soft, and almost a little cake-like. My favorite part of this recipe though is the frosting. It is easily the best frosting I have ever made. It is fluffy and delicious. I will make these again just for the frosting, but the overall cookie is ridiculously good too.
My mouth is watering right now....