Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pro Tailgater!

Well, we did it. We took Thad to a Duck game. And, I have to say that it was pretty successful. Thad had a great time in the back of the Explorer, peeking at everyone over the tailgate. He even took a nap back there. (Just for maybe 30 minutes, but still!)
I got really nervous when we headed into the stadium, he was all wrapped up in his fleece camo bunting (bunting? I don't know, it's something you put over her clothes) and we had ear phone things for him to wear. (Autzen is known for its decibel level, which was one of my big worries). He did great, got a little fussy before halftime, but ended up falling asleep, and we were planning on leaving at halftime anyway. Each time we successfully complete an outing, it gives me more confidence that we can lead an actual life. Next up, lunch with a friend on Monday, then the big one...dum dum DUM...a car ride and over night trip to Grandma and Grandpas for Thanksgiving. I'm scared. :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1st Halloween!

We didn't really DO anything for Halloween this year. A lot of things I am looking forward to doing with Thad, but feel like they require the ability to walk before they will really be enjoyable for him. We got pumpkins from the grocery store. We'll go to the pumpkin patch next year. Lately, I have been feeling like we should make more of an effort to do stuff. I think he has me a bit paranoid because I have not forgotten our first couple of months. We had an awesome day yesterday though, which included a trip to the library and to Walmart. He was really happy the whole time, and being a goofball. It was fun. Anyway. I digress. Halloween. Grandma C had bought him some cute striped PJ's, and I was planning on just wearing PJ's all day for Halloween. But, when we did our annual last minute trip to the thrift store to make Justin's costume, I saw a fluffy lion costume for 5 bucks that I couldn't pass up. Note to self: he does not appreciate being dressed as a lion. 

He does not seem to be bothered by wearing orange and black, which is a bit concerning to me. (We are a green and yellow family, get with it kid!)

But what he REALLY loves, is to stand up. He pulls himself up on anything he can get his hands on, and wiggles his little tush around trying to stay stable. It's great fun. At least until he looses his balance and whacks his head on the floor. Then it's no fun for anyone.