Thursday, December 30, 2010


Its funny what sticks in your brain. I can still recite a Shakespeare sonnet that I learned in high school. I had to memorize it and say it in front of the whole class, and I think the terror of doing that cemented it into my brain permanently. I have memorized many Bible verses over the years, but not all of them could I repeat back at this point.

When Thad was a newborn and he refused to fall asleep, I would spend literally probably hours every day/night standing in his room by his crib with him swaddled tight, radio blaring static and jiggling him trying to get him to give up his fight and sleep. I would stand there (or bounce there) near tears and exhausted, staring at the wall (or at my little angel's screaming face). At some point, I decided to make some positive use of my time, and taped up some verses to the wall over his crib to memorize. As a result, I have the following verse so ingrained in my brain, I know I will never forget it:

Romans 9:12-16
Don't just pretend to love others, really love them. Hate what is wrong, hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, taking delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard, and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

I like this verse because I feel like it covers a lot of areas. Romans is actually my favorite book of the Bible. A day doesn't go by that I don't repeat this verse in my head, and I thank Thad for his bad attitude. I have learned to be thankful for those first horrible months, it has really taught me to appreciate the good times now. And even though it felt like I wouldn't make it through it, we made it out the other end, and it taught me a lot both about myself and what it means to be a Mom.

On a lighter note, the word "Memory" reminded me of the game Memory that I loved to play as a kid. My mom, being the awesome mom that she is, made a board for our game out of felt....she laid all of the cards out on a big square of felt and then traced around them, so you knew where to lay the cards out. Since I have a good dose of OCD, I always liked to have them neat and orderly. Needless to say, I will be buying a Memory game, making a felt board, and playing it with Thad.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post-Christmas Coma

Well I'm not sure what else there is to blog about besides how cute my child is. Christmas went off without a hitch. My parents came the weekend before Christmas, stayed from Sunday to Tuesday, then Justin's parents arrived on Thursday and left yesterday, so lots of time with guests. Thad kept to his usual routine, napped great and slept well, which makes his awake time much more pleasant.
Santa outfit from Justin's uncle. He was cool with the outfit, but the hat pushed him over the edge.
Checking out a new toy
Spiffy Christmas Day outfit from my mom

Making a mess, as usual

Wow, what a cute boy.

Hokey-Pokey Elmo

Duck camping chair that I couldn't pass up in the store.   
One of his favorites, basketballs the perfect size for little hands
Happy boy = Happy mamma

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Frog and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

I have nothing against little girls, they are precious, but man I love having a little boy. Last weekend we packed up most of the 9 month clothes and got out all the 12 mo stuff. A closet full of tiny plaid shirts and hoodies melts my heart.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Meet my new best friend, and worst enemy.......
After a few months of gentle suggestions, Justin started some serious researching, and we decided on this eliptical. We debated between a treadmill and an eliptical but decided you could get more eliptical for your money. We've had it about a month now, and I love it. We have it in the garage (in front of Justin's work bench, obviously). There is a TV in there, or it works great to hold a book, so 30 minutes goes by quick. 

Ready for Christmas

For the first time in my adult life, we are spending Christmas at HOME! Being married is one thing, but having a child really makes you want to start your own traditions. I asked all the girls at work about their families Christmas traditions and got some good ideas. We'll work on our own, this is just a trial year. Kiddo is too young to remember anyway, so we'll just practice this time around.Some things I would like to do, but I think we will wait at least until next year (like the Springfield Christmas parade....perhaps sounds ghetto, but is supposed to be pretty cool). Other things that I would like to do, but wasn't in the cards as far as traveling. There are some things in Coos Bay that are fun for Christmastime, like the lights at Shore Acres, and the extravagant miniature trains and town set up at the fire station. He might have actually enjoyed those things this year. Anyway, we will start simple and build from here.
Thad helping with the tree

Putting up lights

T is a good helper. Not.

The tree! Note that there are no lights or ornaments withing 2 feet of the ground.

Mini tree! 5 bucks at Goodwill, it's the Duck tree!

Advent calendar made by Justin's mom. Each day you add a star to the tree.

Stockings hung by the chimney with care. Made by mom, who has the smallest one.

Front room, sparkling snowflakes in the window.
The finished product, nice job Justin.

Something Old, Something New

Dad recently bought my mom a giant new wedding ring. They have been married for 36 years, I'm not really sure what bee got in his bonnet, but all of a sudden he was shopping for a giant new rock and got it for her. He does have prostate cancer, but is low grade and low cells and supposedly going to be very treatable (surgery is happening in January). I don't know if that has had an impact on him and has made him want to do stuff for my mom, but regardless, she got a sweet new ring. Strangely enough, she already had 2 rings. Her original ring was too small after she had kids, and rather than get it sized (like a normal person), dad bought her a new ring. When she got her NEW new ring, she gave me one of her old ones. (Yes, I asked for would have just sat in her bathroom drawer for years if I hadn't). These people aren't that old, but between the two of them, they honestly couldn't remember which was the original ring. Who knows. I just picked the one I like the best. It was totally smashed, the band was all bent up (mom is not easy on jewelry apparently). I took it to a jeweler, he straightened it, sized it (thanks for the giant hands, mom and dad), got it re-plated and the diamond prongs redone. I love it. My wedding ring is silver, mom's is gold, and my mom's and my rings are the only ones I wear, so they don't match, but I really like wearing it. It's pretty, it makes me feel like I am carrying on something from my parents.

Mommy's Helper

Thad really likes to help me keep our house clean and organized, just how I like it. 

He is such a good helper. Honestly, one of the things that was really hard for me to get used to as a mom is the acceptance of clutter. At first, I would follow him around picking up the trail of toys. And the pile/basket/stack of baby toys in every corner of our house first bothered me quite a bit. Now I try to look at it as a way to make my life easier. Anything that helps keep him occupied is a positive in my book. It goes against my natural instincts, but things change.

Turkey Day

Long time no blog. Where shall we start? How about Thanksgiving. The simultaneously dreaded and looked forward to holiday. At heart, I love Thanksgiving. Mostly, I think, because of the food involved. There is something homey and comforting about a meal that consists of things that you put gravy on and apple pie. The plan was to head to my parents house along with pretty much every. single. member. of my family including grandparents, and aunt and uncles (even a great uncle!), not to mention all my siblings and their spouses. All in all, about 20 people. Somewhat overwhelming, but still fun at the same time. 

Aunt Megan helping Ashlyn and Thad

Uncle Seth

The Whole Clan!

Mommy and my boy

Great Grandparents
The car ride was not as awful as I expected, although I feel like we made it there in the nick of time. Thad got to play with his sweet little cousin Ashlyn. She wasn't real impressed with his skills, a year makes a pretty big difference at their age, but she did let him push her around on the lion toy. (Which we got to bring home with us. Suh-weet! He loves pushing it, and it's pretty humorous to see those little legs going).