Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cheap Entertainment

I have become fed up with toys all over my house all of the time. I understand that toys are necessary, and in fact, life is much easier when the wee one is entertained. However, a lot of the toys we have a just a waste of space. They are big and bulky, not easily packed up and put away. We could get away with having much fewer toys, especially if they are toys that keep his attention for longer than 30 seconds. Along that train of thought, I have recently re-vamped my Christmas list of things to get Thad, and I will go through that at a later date. For now, I wanted to share a couple of ideas for entertainment that is small, fun, inexpensive, and easy to store.

1. Window Decals

I got these at the Dollar Tree for, you guessed it, a dollar. I got a couple of different sheets with different themes. Can’t beat the price, they keep him entertained for a good 20 minutes or so, and they are super easy to put away. They also require a bit more brain power and motor skill ability than a battery-filled, automated light up toy. He takes them off the sheet, puts them on the window, puts them back on the sheet, takes them to the slider door, tells me what they are, and so on.

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2. PlayDoh

There are a bunch of home-made playdoh recipes online, all are basically the same, and are really easy to make. I feel like it is another activity that is a bit more stimulating than a lot of toys out there. Not that he is building the Eifel Tower or anything, we are still working on not eating it, but he is definitely getting the idea. Even though you use food coloring to dye the dough, I have not had any issues with the color being left on his hands when he is done, or on the kitchen counter.


These are just a few ideas, I have some more up my sleeve, which I will share in an upcoming post, along with some other life-simplifying thoughts.

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