Thursday, April 5, 2012

31 Days of Prayer

When Justin and I got married, we lived in an apartment complex for a couple of years before buying our house. There was a church close by that we tried out, immediately loved, and have been going to ever since. I grew up going to church, but I don’t think that I really understood what it meant to be a Christian until we started going to our church. I have learned SO much there, and am challenged with something new on a regular basis. We have also started getting involved at this church, which is new for me, but definitely is a good thing.

One of the things that the pastor of this church really pushes is daily Bible reading and prayer. Shocker, I know, but I would say that easily the majority of Christians do not spend time with God on a daily basis (me being one of them). So that has been an ongoing challenge for me, to set time out of my day, to read my Bible, pray, and spend some quiet time with God. But I know that it is really important, and really mandatory in a lot of ways, if you want to live your life with God.

Recently, during by Bible reading, what I have actually been doing is copying down the Bible. I started with the book of Romans (my fave), and started writing some of it down every day. It helped me to slow down and really pay attention to what I was reading. Slow going, but effective.

Another tool that I came across was on a blog about raising Godly children. ( It was a list of prayers and corresponding verses for 31 days of prayer for your husband. Obviously, and important part of raising Godly children is to be a Godly parent. So I printed out this prayer list and have been praying for Justin for the last 2 or 3 months. (Wait, didn’t I say that it was 31 days of prayer? 3 months? Yes, that’s because I am often neglectful and it takes me a while to get through stuff. I’m working on it).

I feel like the prayers have been really beneficial and eye opening. I always pray for my husband, but this gave me very specific things to pray about, in areas that I would never have though of on my own. You can find the link to the prayer list here. I’m sure there is lots of other good stuff on the website, but one step at a time!


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